Eliminate acidity with the alakine diet


It is vital to maintain a healthy pH balance in the body otherwise you will get afflicted with a wide array of diseases. PH actually connotes maintaining a balanced level of concentration of hydrogen ion in the body. Basically, hydrogen ion concentration in human body should be within 1 to 14.Any person with a range of 7 is regarded as neutral, hydrogen ion concentration less than 7 is considered acidic, and more than 7 is regarded as alkaline. Usually no heed is paid to alkalinity of blood fluids as well as tissues. But if body levels are acidic then it can lead to different diseases

Reason behind Acidity

In the past people usually depended on organic food and fruits for their nutrition, but now there is a serious invasion of processed food in our diets. Processed foods are full of high sodium saturated fats and fatty acids. They have an adverse effect on overall health of human beings specially women, thus leading to chronic diseases as well as inflammation. These processed foods enhance the acidity level in the body.

Which Foods cause acidity?

  • Dairy products
  • Foods which are high in sugar
  • Processed meat
  • Processed fish
  • Food rich in protein
  • Protein supplements

Why Alkaline Diets are best?

An alkaline diet will enable you fight diseases and lead a healthy life. When ph level of the body is alkaline our kidneys work better. An alkaline diet improves overall body functions.

Mentioned below are some of the best alkaline foods:

  • Fresh fruits 
  • Nuts
  • Green leafy vegetables, 
  • Salads
  • Health oils such as olive oil 
  • Berries
  • Apple
  •  citrus fruits
  •  fermented tofu
  •  Mushroom
  •  Avocados 
  • Broccoli 

Advantages of Alkaline Diet

Alkaline rich diet will help to attain healthy pH within 7-8. Mentioned below are some benefits of alkaline diet:

  • Alkaline food helps body to heal and protects it against chronic illness such as cancer, diabetes, inflammation etc. It bolsters the immune system which prevents disease.
  • Another key advantage of consuming alkaline food is that it safeguards women against Osteoporosis. Too much acidity in body minimizes bone density. Alkaline foods enable to maintain high bone density.
  • Vitamin D is usually deficient in our body. This vital Vitamin is needed for efficient calcium absorption in the body. Nevertheless, acidic foods reduce the level of vitamin D in the body. So for this it is recommended to consume alkaline diet which is replete with fruits and vegetables’.
  • Low vitamin D levels in the body leads to accumulation of calcium in the urine. This is the prime reason of kidneys stones. For that reason, following an alkaline rich diet will enable you to avert kidney related problems.
  • Alkaline foods help reduce muscle spasm which is commonly seen in women. Acidic foods can aggravate this condition.
  • Alkaline diet helps maintain muscle mass which deteriorates on aging. This leads to osteoporosis which can be averted in case we add greens in our diet.

Even though it is advisable to consume alkaline food but this does not mean that one should completely eliminate acidic food in the diet.